Svarte Aske – The Dark Ash Tree.
A circle of like-minded people, representatives of different pagan traditions, united by the goal of studying and promoting Pagan Traditionalism in Russia and in the World.
The community was founded in 2011 in Novosibirsk, Russia.
Community focus and main themes:
- The Pagan Heritage of the peoples of the World
- A plurality of Cultures and Traditions
- Strengthening the Pagan Episteme (Pagan paradigm of Thought)
- Strengthening Pagan Communities of various Traditions
- Denial of Modernity – Modern and Postmodern
- Eschatological Optimism
- M. Heidegger’s Fundamental Ontology
- Left-Hand Path Teachings
- Criticism of Progress and technogenic Civilization
This site contains articles, interviews, research, essays, and journalism on these and other related topics. Educational courses of lectures on Pagan Theology, Philosophy, Culture, and Traditionalism. Library of publications and books.
All materials on our site are allowed to be copied, distributed, translated into any language, and published on your own platforms with a mandatory link to the source.
The community does not conduct missionary work.
Symbolism: blue rune Yr (dying) over the setting Wheel of the Year (the lower point of Jule), in an ash wreath (World Tree).